honesty– We are truthful with customers, employees, and vendors.
Follow the Law – We pay attention to all laws, regulations and ordinances pertaining to the HVAC industry as recommend by federal, state, municipal and county governments. We practice appropriate financial and accounting procedures in accordance with all laws governing a privately held business.
superiority– We install, service and repair HVAC systems and parts in strict accordance with industry standards.
Safety & Reputation – We maintain a clean, safe, respectable and reputable place of business that reflects the high standards of Uptown Heating & Air Conditioning.
Teamwork – We support each member of the team to strengthen Uptown Heating and Air Conditioning and build successful long-term relationships.
Service – We provide to our customer the best service to encourage repeat business and undergo relationships with our customers.
Respect for Others – We respect our employees, and customers at any stage.
Privacy – We handle customer’s information carefully in order to protect their privacy